Vision & Values
Nursery - Y6 provision (age 2-11)
Respect, Responsibility, Resilience.
Our aims and values
Overdale Community Primary School will ensure:
Every child is encouraged and supported to achieve their full potential.
To value the whole child, by promoting their health and well-being and recognising their wide range of talents.
Every child can communicate effectively for a range of audiences and purposes.
To be a place where the British values of respect, tolerance, care and responsibility are highly valued and evidenced.
We can achieve this through:
Ensuring that learning is led by staff, who are committed to achieving the potential of all children, using assessment for learning to structure and secure effective teaching.
Communication is at the heart of everything we do.
A curriculum that is challenging, evolving and exciting.
Emphasis on leading active, healthy lifestyles with positive mental well-being.
Working in partnership with parents, the local community and other professionals to nurture the whole child.
Mission statement:
To create a happy and stimulating learning environment that values effective communication as the key to developing children’s confidence and enabling them to fulfil their potential.
Our golden values:
We can play safely.
We can be polite and helpful.
We can work quietly without interrupting others.
We treat others as we would like to be treated.
We respect our learning environment and keep it tidy.