Year 2 Class

Welcome to Class 2G


In class 2G we are taught by Mrs Gray and supported by Mr Aston. On a Tuesday afternoon Miss Quinn delivers our Religious Education and Mrs Hemingway currently delivers Computing. We begin each day by strengthening our retrieval skills by doing flashback Maths activity. We then move onto our Maths learning, talk for writing, spelling and guided reading. Each week children receive a reading book to support the work we are doing in guided reading. This is to be swapped on Tuesdays. Homework is due in every Friday. The children should choose activities from the ‘homework menu’ to earn stars each week.


In Year 2 we are striving to become independent learners who use a resilient, “can-do” attitude to have a go at all our learning tasks using the skills we have developed in Early Years and Year 1. Children support their peers by sharing their understanding of tasks with others being a supportive teacher as well as sharing examples of their work.


Our P.E. day is on a Wednesday – for this, all children need a kit in school, earrings removed, and all long hair tied up. However, other events do arise such as after school clubs, so please ensure kits are in school Monday to Friday.


We like to use Class Dojo to keep families informed about any important information and share the things which happen in 2G. Families are also encouraged to post pictures into the children’s portfolios so that we can share and celebrate events and learning that happen at home.

Useful Class documents

Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.

Class Documents

Document Name Date
Spring 1 MTP 2024 Year 2.docxJanuary 29 2025, 22:50:32
Year 2 Spring 1 Curriculum Map.docxJanuary 29 2025, 22:55:29

Class photos

The School

Tel: 01723 582 360



Overdale CP School,

Ashmead Square,

Yo11 3XJ,


North Yorkshire

Website Information
Other Information
If you would like any information in another language or format such as Braille, large print or audio, please ask us. Or if you require paper copies, free of charge, please contact the school.