Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

SEND at our School


Here you can find out new information about Special Educational Needs and how we approach Special Educational Needs at Overdale School.


Mrs Campbell is our SENCo can be contacted in school each day. However please do not hesitate to contact the School and she will get back to you regarding your issue.


The Local Offer - All North Yorkshire maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND.) They are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, whatever their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. The Local Authority publishes its Local Offer which provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place.


Find out more from the North Yorshire County Council website



Questions and Answers

What is SEND?

The SEN Code of Practice (2015) states that a child has Special Educational Needs if they have a greater difficulty in learning than their peers or has a disability that hinders their access to facilities that children of a similar age can use.


There are 4 broad areas of need:

Communication and Interaction- including Autism

Cognition and Learning

Social, Emotional and mental Health difficulties

Sensory and/or Physical Needs



Overdale School welcomes children with needs in all of the above categories.

Children will receive a learning experience tailored to meet their individual needs.

How do we identify children with SEND?

At Overdale school, we hold regular meetings with teachers to discuss the progress of each pupil.

During these meetings, teachers identify pupils that need additional and extra support to access lessons.

This support is more than the differentiation expected as a normal part of teaching and could include working 1-1 with an adult, having additional catch up time or needing work set at a different level from the other children

How do we involve parents?

Parents of all children can attend Parent Consultations twice a year and receive an end of year report detailing their child’s progress and attainment.​

Parents of children with SEND will be invited to discuss their child’s personal provision plan 3 times a year. This can be via telephone or face to face.​

If we feel that specialist support is required, then we will make sure you are involved in the process and receive any reports from specialists.

How do we involve your child’s opinion?

The voice of our pupils is very important to life at Overdale school.​

For pupils with SEND, we regularly ask their opinions about any additional support they are receiving, which helps us to ensure the support is the best it can be.​

All children have the opportunity to ask questions about their IPM (Individual Provision Map) and their views are record at each review stage.

How do we assess children with SEND?

Children with SEND will be assessed against their own personal targets​.

We expect all children to make progress in Overdale School, but acknowledge that children have different starting points.

Some children will complete specific intervention programmes (for example, Reading or Phonics interventions). These programmes will be assessed and monitored to ensure teachers are aware of the progress each child has made.

How do we support children to successfully transition between phases of education?

We understand how difficult it can be for children to move between settings. To help children move between settings and settle quickly we:

Arrange personal tours for children and parents​.

Allow children to meet their teacher or key worker​.

Liaise closely with previous settings to find out what support was available​.

Can offer flexibility to allow children to feel settled​.

Have close links with local secondary schools to support transition into Year 7​.

Throughout any transition, we understand that communication with parents or adults at home is really important.

How do we seek support from other agencies?

Sometimes, children require support form specialists or additional services.

In these cases, we will always consult with parents before seeking additional advice.


Some of the services we can access include:

The Inclusive Education Service​.

Educational Psychologist​.

Continence Nurse​.

Specialist Emotional Literacy Teaching​.

Early Help Team​.

Occupational Therapy Team.

How do we teach children with SEND?

Teachers have an in depth knowledge of each child in their class and plan interesting and engaging work appropriate to the learners in their classroom. This is called Quality First Teaching.


For children with SEND, we also apply the Graduated Response, which follows the process of Assess, Plan, Do, Review:

Assess- identify the specific gaps in a child’s understanding or learning.

Plan- put together a plan to overcome the specific gaps, this may be through the use of tailored interventions.

Do- Carry out the planned interventions or support​.

Review- Assess how effective the additional support has been.

How do we adapt our school environment and curriculum to support all children?

Teachers plan lessons that take account of the individual needs identified in their class.


Specific resources or strategies may include, but are not limited to:

Coloured overlays or coloured paper for children to use​.

Specific pencils or pens to support writing​.

Targeted group work with the support of an Learning Support Assistant​.

Additional targeted input either before or after the lesson​.

Ear Defenders​.

Personal visual timetables or task boards​.

The physical environment can also be adapted to children with physical access needs to ensure that all children can access the same provision as their peers.

What training have staff had to support children with SEND?

Staff training is very important to us as it makes sure we are able to support children to the best of our ability​.

We are a Speech and Language Hub school, supporting 25 other schools to deliver a high quality Speech and Language intervention.

We have regular updates and CPD sessions focussing on specific needs or refreshing existing skills and knowledge including for specific needs such as epilepsy, dyslexia, ACES, use of assistive technology​.

We invite experts or other professionals in to deliver training when required.

The SENCo, Mr Watson, holds the NASENCo Qualification as required by the SEN Code of Practice.

How do we know what we are doing is effective?

The monitoring of a high quality SEN provision is part of the role of the SENCo with the support of the Senior Leadership Team and SEN Governor.​


This includes:​

Learning walks​.

Lesson observations​.

Book scrutiny sessions​.

Monitoring intervention outcomes​.

Pupil and Parent Questionnaires​.

Pupil Progress Meetings.

How do we include children with SEND in all aspect of school?

All children in Overdale School, regardless of individual need, have access to the same opportunities.​

When planning school trips, sporting events or visitors into school, teachers ensure that provision is made for pupils with SEND.

How do we support the emotional and social development of children?

We work hard to ensure that all adults are approachable and understand the importance of listening to children.

We have a specialist in SEMH, who, through our Expert Nurture Provision, Boxall, supports identified children with weekly 1:1 And group sessions.

We have a very structured and active PHSE curriculum throughout school.


In addition, we have:

ELSA sessions run by Mrs Welford​.

LEGO Therapy sessions run by Mrs Lawton​.

Specialist support from the Stephen Joseph Theatre developing Emotional Resilience​.

Restorative Practice to support children when things go wrong​.

CPD for all adults in school to support the understanding of Mental health needs in children and the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

How can parents complain if they are unhappy?

If you feel unhappy with the provision your child is receiving at Overdale School, please speak to us.

In the first instance, please talk to your child’s class teacher who will try to help.​

If you still have concerns, you can talk to Mrs Logan (Headteacher), Mr Watson (SENCo) or contact Kate Tate (SEN Governor)​.

If you feel your complaint has not been dealt with, please follow the Overdale School Complaints Procedure that can be found on our Policies page.

The School

Tel: 01723 582 360



Overdale CP School,

Ashmead Square,

Yo11 3XJ,


North Yorkshire

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