Year 1B Class

Welcome to Class 1B


In 1B, we are taught by Mrs Banyard and supported by Mrs Hemmingway. We start each day by strengthening our reading skills with our Little Wandle phonics and guided reading. Reading is a fundamental skill that we nurture and develop throughout Year 1.


Each week, children take home the book that they have read at school to practise their fluency with an adult. Children also have access to a wider reading diet in the form of our class Lending Library, where children can choose a book to take home to read for pleasure. To support this, your child will need to have their book bag and reading log in school each day.


In 1B, we are a respectful class family where we strive to be independent learners. We use our ‘can do’ attitudes to help each other and build up our resilience. We have developed exciting and innovative ways to support the children and we have a curriculum that is diverse, creative and engaging.


Our P.E. day is on a Tuesday– for this, all children will need a kit suitable for indoor and outdoor sessions in school and earrings removed. However, other events do arise so please ensure full kits are in school Monday to Friday.


We like to use Class Dojo to keep families informed about any important information and share all the amazing things which happen in 1B. Families are also encouraged to post pictures into the children’s portfolios so that we can share and celebrate events and learning that happen at home.

Useful Class documents

Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.

Class Documents

Document Name Date
Y1 MTP - Spring 1 2025.docxJanuary 29 2025, 22:54:41
Y1 MTP - Spring 2 2025.docxMarch 05 2025, 20:36:13
Year 1 Spring 1 Curriculum Map.docxJanuary 28 2025, 14:56:41
Year 1 Spring 2 Curriculum Map.docxMarch 05 2025, 20:36:23

Class photos

The School

Tel: 01723 582 360



Overdale CP School,

Ashmead Square,

Yo11 3XJ,


North Yorkshire

Website Information
Other Information
If you would like any information in another language or format such as Braille, large print or audio, please ask us. Or if you require paper copies, free of charge, please contact the school.