School Curriculum
Curriculum Intent
At Overdale our Curriculum Intent is built on the deep-rooted ethos that children will become resilient and successful learners who are ready to learn, make progress, achieve and become respectful and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society (our 3R’s).
Our ambitious curriculum has been carefully planned and sequenced by our team of subject leaders using the National Curriculum and other statutory guidance. Staff and leaders have worked collaboratively to ensure it is diverse, engaging and opportunity driven to help underpin key values such as strong relationships and working together, empathy, friendship, developing good mental health strategies. This is all while still giving children a chance to be creative, express ideas in new ways and to make real things for real audiences and purposes.
Vocabulary, Knowledge and Skills are built upon year on year to enable our children to achieve clearly defined end points in readiness for their move to the next stage in their learning journey. Each of these aspects are broken into components and are sequenced from when our children enter school at 2 years old, to when they eventually leave school at 11.
Children’s achievement and progress through the curriculum is regularly assessed both formally and informally to ensure that no gaps in learning are left undetected and a rapid response can be put in place to support children to catch up.
Please follow the subject links to find out more about our ambitious curriculum and how it is implemented across school.