Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5D


In Year 5, we are taught by Mr Donald and we are supported by Mrs Breaks.


As we move into Upper Key stage two, we are developing respect, resilience and responsibility to be positive role models to the rest of the school. These are skills which we also apply in our independent work and in class discussions, listening to others' opinions and being respectful of differences.


Fostering a love of reading is especially important in Year 5. We read a wide range of texts during our whole class reading sessions, developing our retrieval, inference and prediction skills. We also look closely at vocabulary, thinking about meaning, why authors choose the language they do and the impact this has on the reader. Once we have explored texts in detail, we then use our knowledge to summarise the text in a range of ways such as ordering events, identifying key themes or mapping the text. We also use reading skills in our Talk 4 Writing sessions, where we explore model texts in depth to identify features and build our understanding of text structures to innovate our versions.


In maths, we build on our skills from lower key stage two to work with larger numbers, decimals and negative numbers. It is important that we continue to practise our multiplication facts to ensure we can apply them when multiplying larger numbers. Children have logins for TTRockstars so they can practise in school and at home.


On Monday mornings, Year 5 attend swimming sessions at Everyone Active in Scarborough. They also have a PE slot on Thursday in school. Sometimes this session may need change day due to events in school, so it is important children have their kits available in school Monday to Friday.


We use Class Dojo to keep our families up to date with what is happening in the classroom and any upcoming events. Children and their families are encouraged to post photos on their children’s portfolio page to keep us up to date with any achievements outside of school.

Useful Class documents

Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.

Class Documents

Document Name Date
Year 5 Spring 1 MTP 2025.docxJanuary 29 2025, 22:52:38
Year 5 Spring 1 topic web.docxJanuary 29 2025, 22:56:16
Year 5 Spring 2 Curriculum Map.docxMarch 05 2025, 20:33:57
Year 5 Spring 2 MTP 2025.docxMarch 05 2025, 20:33:46

Class photos

The School

Tel: 01723 582 360



Overdale CP School,

Ashmead Square,

Yo11 3XJ,


North Yorkshire

Website Information
Other Information
If you would like any information in another language or format such as Braille, large print or audio, please ask us. Or if you require paper copies, free of charge, please contact the school.