EYFS Class - Reception
Welcome to EYFS - Reception
We have two reception classes: Reception H is taught by Mrs Harris and supported by Mrs O’Malley. Reception S is taught by Miss Senior and supported by Mrs Harvey.
In reception we begin each day by working on activities that help us to develop our fine motor skills. This is followed by our Little Wandle phonics sessions which provide a clear and structured routine to learning letter sounds. Each day we learn a new sound which is followed by opportunities in provision to practise oral blending, writing and word building. At the end of each week, children are encouraged to build their visual recognition and fluency by taking home resources that support them in doing so. Each child is provided with a free book bag, reading record and reading book. We encourage you to read with your child at home, either their home reading book or their own books, and record this in their reading records. Reading the same book time after time gives children confidence and allows them to become expert story tellers. Books will be changed once a week and book band levels are carefully matched to our school phonics scheme.
In maths, our aim is to develop children into mathematicians – who can notice quantity, relationships and patterns within things in the environment. We build our knowledge across number whilst also linking to other mathematical areas such as shape, space, measure and time. We focus on developing children’s understanding so that they can explain what they see and know. This is done in daily sessions with the support of White Rose Maths resources.
Each child is provided with their first P.E. top in their house team colour. P.E. kits remain in school on the children’s pegs and are sent home at the end of each half term to be cleaned.
Useful Class documents
Please find useful class documents to help your child in and out of School.
Class photos